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Developer Diary #1 Our Vision of Bawurra Library 2.0

What is Bawurra Library?

We deployed the Bawurra Library in its first stable form in 2016. In light of the hugely positive response we received we committed to making massive improvements in the software element of our project, The Bawurra Library.

Our Vision

We want to keep the mission of our program intact while making the Bawurra Library much more streamlined and massively upgrading its interfaces and features. We have committed to a series of Development Diaries to keep our supporters informed about our progress. These diaries will sum up the stages of our development towards Bawurra Library 2.0. Changelog [1.5] - Pre Alpha - 13/05/2018

  • Setup the Development environment on Bawurra Foundation laptop.

  • Debugged the deployment of the app on the windows tablet.

  • Setup the backend to serve static assets on the admin menu.

  • Connected a SQLite database with the express.js backend.

  • Connected the database to the backend.

  • Worked on designing and configuring the database an admin menu.

  • Finished templating the admin menu pages.

  • Moved the database to ORM model using sequelize with an sqlite database.

  • Connected an authentication framework for login.

  • Created Routes, Controllers, and Views and hooked them up to work flawlessly.

  • Created Database using Models.

  • Linked the models and migrations with the controllers and the views.

  • Created the authentication module for the admin console.

  • hosted the admin console.

  • Created form templetes for admin menu

  • Found issues with the current database

  • Changed the database to mongodb and ODM to mongoose

  • Added "update" function to existing menus on the Admin Console

  • Completed file upload function on Admin Console

  • File Upload Error Fixed

  • Set up front end database

  • Installed a persistence layer plugin for checking if the device is online in order to update the data if a connection is present.

Future Features

  1. Rework main menu to add a total of 10 specialised categories, allowing us to better represent the contents of the Bawurra Library based upon our feedback from our partner communities.

  2. Add Video functionality based around the persistence layer to avoid memory drain.

  3. Create a online platform that allows Elders, teachers and community Leaders to view content and inform us about any issues or suggestions. We want to provide our partner communities some tangible form of content moderation. We think this functionality will greatly improve our capacity to ensure that the project remains community-driven.

  4. Create seamless back-end admin-console to allow our team to create, edit and publish content easily.


We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of this land; and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future.


8 Hadenfeld Avenue, Macquarie Park NSW 2113

ABN: 996 069 352 73

Copyright © Bawurra Foundation 2018

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